Money makes the equine industry go round

Money is what makes the equine industry go round. It’s the sad truth about this sport. Everything costs money. I feel like one of the biggest struggles is money, always has been, always will be. Growing up I never truly understood how much my parents sacrificed so I could peruse my dream of riding horses. I was twelve when I began to understand how much money this sport actually costs. I was always asking my parents if I could go to a show and they would reply, “No Dani, I’m sorry. We wish we could say yes, but we can’t.” Pre-teen me would get upset and cry because let’s face it, who likes being told no? Especially when it involves your passion. I began to realize that asking to go to shows was pointless and it hurt but it made me so much more appreciative of what I already got and the things I continue to get to do. I would help my trainer and work summer camp and birthday parties, keep all my birthday, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and babysitting money and put it towards horses. I still to this day save up all my money for horses. I don’t buy myself anything unless it’s an absolute necessity. Horses are my number one priority in life and it will continue to be that way for a very long time. I don’t think people realize how much their parents do for them… I see tweets about how Daddy won’t buy them the Mercedes Benz they want, instead they only get an Audi. Or tweets about how they are at WEF and they can’t be at the party of the year for their school. It angers me because I would do ANYTHING to show. I work at the barn and I work for a catering company so I can pay for everything I possibly can for my horse. Luckily, I have a huge support group at the barn and they can see how much I want this. My trainer is a lovely lady who pushes me to be the best person I can be, on and off the horse, and supports me 100 percent. They see how much hard work, effort, and passion I put into each day. I have saved up money from working last summer, although I did spend it on Miley Cyrus concert tickets, but that was a must for me, I am saving up more to make this show year wonderful. I am blessed to have such an amazing horse I have and to be able to ride him is a dream come true. My friend Lily once said, “doing the grunt work behind the scenes so you can see me in the ring.” That couldn’t be truer. My best friend Zoey inspires me to be the best rider I could possibly be, each and everyday because even though I have little money, “good things come to those who work hard, so keep putting as much work into Celebrity as possible and you’ll get major success” So yes money has everything to do with sport, but if you work hard, it will pay off and you will be successful. Just you wait.


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